Tim Bingham || E-mail: info@timbingham.ie || Mob.: +353863893530

National Student Drug Survey



Participants of various third level institutions around Ireland took part in a national online anonymous and randomised survey about their substance use between October and December 2014. 2,701 surveys were completed (52% Male and 47% female; 1% identified as other).

It was increasingly evident that there was a clear lack of information pertaining to the nature and frequency of substance and alcohol use in among third level students in Ireland.  Third level participants represent a useful body of participants that are meaningfully accessible. Therefore the genesis of the current survey was to access this body of potential respondents in order to ascertain both a baseline of information regarding drug and alcohol use and changes in trends in Ireland. This also provides the opportunity to gain greater insight into the nature of these behaviours amongst this population.

It is hoped that this data will assist the knowledge of Health Promotion Departments and Student Unions in developing services, policies and information campaigns.

To cite this research:

Bingham.T, O’Driscoll, C. and De Barra, G. National Student Drug Survey 2015


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