Tim Bingham || E-mail: info@timbingham.ie || Mob.: +353863893530

Posts Tagged ‘ireland’

Drug Consumption Rooms can be utilised successfully in Ireland. Is Ireland ready for them?

   Drug Consumption Rooms can  be utilised successfully in Ireland. Is Ireland ready for them?’  I was recently going through some old files and came

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Everything in Moderation – National Student Drug Survey

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National Student Drug Survey

7.4% of lrish respondents to the GlobaI Drug Survey said they’ve bought drugs off the  internet, which is low compared lo the 2o.7% in the UK and 40%

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Bold new laws introduced in Ireland to tackle legal highs and NPS dramatically cut the number of head shops. But the country’s drug users switched substances or modes of supply

  This article  which I wrote appeared in March 2014  Druglink magazine. Druglink is a bi-monthly magazine for all those UK professionals interested in drugs

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Trafficking for Forced Labour in Cannabis Production: The Case of Ireland

Ireland has experienced an increase in the domestic cultivation of cannabis in the last five years. In 2012 there was substantial media coverage on raids of

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